Dec 09 2008
ASA & Friends @ The Puka Bar 1/05/09
In celebration of it’s one year anniversary, The Long Beach Musicians’ League is presenting an evening of experimental music featuring Ain Soph Aur, Between Ravens and Crows, and SMGSAP.
This evening will be a rare opportunity to experience the work of seasoned artists, each with divergent esthetics, yet unified in an intention to venture boldly into unknown sonic terrains.
Ain Soph Aur is an experimental music duo featuring Karloff (Refrigerator Mothers, The Hop Frog Kollectiv, URCK Records) and Sander Roscoe Wolff (Quiverfish, Blue Dot, Poor Old Joe). They create gently
evolving sonic landscapes using a variety of acoustic, electric, and electronic instruments, found sounds, and effects. ASA will be joined on modular synthesizer by David Bunoan.
Also performing is Between Ravens and Crows. Flail and Thwack, world travelers, bring a balance of creation and destruction to their
performances, smashing home-made instruments, delicately playing Indonesian metalphones, and occasionally causing harm to themselves and others.
SMGSAP is Shea M Gauer and Scott A Peterson. They’ve been using a variety of sources to explore sound and context for nearly 10 years.
I look forward to seeing you there!