Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Feb 01 2011

ASA + Kirk Pickler @ The Puka Bar 013111

Published by Sander under Uncategorized

Jeremy of The Deglet Noor Faqirs invited ASA to perform with him, and a group from Barcelona, Qa’a. ASA invited Kirk Pickler, also from the Faquirs, to join them. Unfortunately, Carl became ill and was unable to play, so Sander and Kirk soldiered on without him.

We captured a ‘board’ recording of the performance, which was titled Bright Virtues And Mysteries.

Ken Huntington, who organizes music for the Puka Bar and is a long time and avid supporter of experimental music, videotaped our performance and posted it on YouTube. Here are all three parts, strung together in a ‘playlist.’

Our sincere thanks go to the band and audience members who shared the evening with us.

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Oct 10 2010

ASA + LSD @ Sipology Village 100910

Published by Sander under Uncategorized

Carl returned last Saturday from a trip to China and Thailand, sporting many field recordings of exotic atmospheres. The plan was to use them in our performance at Sipology Village on Saturday, October 9th, which would see us collaborating with the Lap Steel Duo. Mike Weber (lap steel, wah, delay) had, many years ago, been in the progressive/psychedelic rock band, Blue Dot, with Sander. Aaron Archambault (lap steel, wah, delay) replaced Sander when he departed the band.

Mike has joined ASA in performance twice before. This was to be Aaron’s first foray into experimental improv.

Sadly, just days before the event, Carl was hit with the flu, and utterly incapacitated. Still, the show must go on, so the three intrepid sonic voyagers pressed on without him. Who knows what directions the journey might have taken with him along? Still, they made their way to The Higher Reaches.

Many thanks to Sumako, who curates the art at all the Sipology venues, and who invited Sander to curate music at the 2nd Saturday art openings at Sipology Village.

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