Nov 18 2014

The Final Three

Published by Sander under Audio Tracks, Studio Tracks

We had created two tracks (the first two of the last three studio tracks listed on the music page) collaboratively. Each was created by sending small bits of audio back and forth between us, manipulating and/or adding bits, and building the tracks in a fairly organic process.

The first track, titled Those Deeper Natures, began with a brief two syllable segment of a Buddhist chant that Sander recorded. It features an environmental recording he made inside the food court at a Japanese market in Costa Mesa, and also includes a rather beautiful drone section.

Carloff is an avid collector of old vinyl records. Somewhere, he found one that was recorded for Brigham Young University, for an English Lit class. This particular record is focused on the spiritual poetry of William Blake, specifically his poems of Innocence and Experience. Carloff created a rather complex and subtle set of edits of this material, which sort of became the frame around which Tiger Tiger grew.

Sander started working on ASA’s third and final studio track just as Robert was going back to school. He remembers Carloff’s instructions were, “DRUMS! I want drums!” Sander took the clicks and pops from his old record and created a rhythmic part in 7/8. He tried, for months, to line up drummers, but it seemed like every time he got close, something would interfere.

Eventually, Sander connected with Brian Campbell, who had studied Hindustani percussion for years, and played for festivals at local temples. He listened to the clicks and pops on ear buds, and Sander recorded multiple takes of him jamming to it. Brian also performed the vocal parts, which Sander chopped up and reassembled them as they are in the final track.

Almost immediately on the heels of that, a previously elusive jazz drummer, Alan Cook, said he was finally available, and Sander recorded multiple takes of him playing various things in his kit. None of these takes from Brian or Alan had any kind of timecode or reference to the click, or to each other. They were all ‘wild,’ and needed to be aligned by hand, which took a very long time.

Sander wanted a kind of culmination just before the big change, so he used a recording of a rather weird, pulsing, water feature in the sculpture garden of the Cerritos Civic Center. He then added heavy drum samples, and took a recording by trumpet player Dave Williams and completely deconstructed it, and reassembled it. He used another recording, of a different fountain, at the very end because the splishly splashy sound evoked the fluidity of Brian’s tabla performance. The Ruling Affection, with starts and stops, took probably a year to finish.

Here are some project screen shots of The Ruling Affection:

Screen shot of The Ruling Affection in production

Screen shot of The Ruling Affection in production

Screen shot of The Ruling Affection in production

Screen shot of The Ruling Affection in production

Screen shot of The Ruling Affection in production

Screen shot of The Ruling Affection in production

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Nov 21 2012

Live in the Bungalow Art Center’s Mondo Cinema Screening Room

Published by Sander under Live Tracks, Past Performances

We were invited by Actuary’s Dustin Johnson to open a show featuring several experimental music luminaries, including The Degit Noor Fakirs, Actuary, Amps For Christ, Koonda Holaa, and VJ Franz K. Both of us were in a good place, and ended up someplace special.

Circumambient Superficies – Live – 11-18-12

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Nov 21 2012

ASA on Open Windows

Published by Sander under Live Tracks, Past Performances

In June we were invited to perform live in the studios of the Monday night Open Windows show, curated by Steve Baretta and Ustad Morelock, on It had been quite some time since we’d played live, together, so we were both really excited to do our thing. The set seemed to unfold in the blink of an eye, and Ustad’s description of it was “Fucking ZEN!” Anyway, here’s the recording:

The Hidden Nexus – Live on’s Open Windows – June 25th, 2012

You can also listen to our post-performance conversation.

We’ve continued to receive kind comments from people about this performance, which is always nice.

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Feb 01 2011

ASA + Kirk Pickler @ The Puka Bar 013111

Published by Sander under Uncategorized

Jeremy of The Deglet Noor Faqirs invited ASA to perform with him, and a group from Barcelona, Qa’a. ASA invited Kirk Pickler, also from the Faquirs, to join them. Unfortunately, Carl became ill and was unable to play, so Sander and Kirk soldiered on without him.

We captured a ‘board’ recording of the performance, which was titled Bright Virtues And Mysteries.

Ken Huntington, who organizes music for the Puka Bar and is a long time and avid supporter of experimental music, videotaped our performance and posted it on YouTube. Here are all three parts, strung together in a ‘playlist.’

Our sincere thanks go to the band and audience members who shared the evening with us.

2 responses so far

Oct 10 2010

ASA + LSD @ Sipology Village 100910

Published by Sander under Uncategorized

Carl returned last Saturday from a trip to China and Thailand, sporting many field recordings of exotic atmospheres. The plan was to use them in our performance at Sipology Village on Saturday, October 9th, which would see us collaborating with the Lap Steel Duo. Mike Weber (lap steel, wah, delay) had, many years ago, been in the progressive/psychedelic rock band, Blue Dot, with Sander. Aaron Archambault (lap steel, wah, delay) replaced Sander when he departed the band.

Mike has joined ASA in performance twice before. This was to be Aaron’s first foray into experimental improv.

Sadly, just days before the event, Carl was hit with the flu, and utterly incapacitated. Still, the show must go on, so the three intrepid sonic voyagers pressed on without him. Who knows what directions the journey might have taken with him along? Still, they made their way to The Higher Reaches.

Many thanks to Sumako, who curates the art at all the Sipology venues, and who invited Sander to curate music at the 2nd Saturday art openings at Sipology Village.

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Jan 05 2010

ASA 2nd Aniversary Show – Recap/Recordings

Published by Sander under Live Tracks, Past Performances

The celebration of Ain Soph Aur’s 2nd anniversary was an opportunity to acknowledge our previous work, and look forward at the same time. In discussions with Carl, we came up with the idea of inviting artists who had performed with us before. In the past two years, we’d performed with 6 artists. Unfortunately, Hermit The Flog now lives in Portland, and Naill Morgan isn’t old enough to get into bars. Happily, all the other artists, David Witham, Jeremy Morelock, David Bunoan, and Christie Scott, were all willing and able to perform with us. To maintain parity, we invited two other artists to join us: Kirk Pickler and Mike Weber.

The idea we had was for the guest musicians to each have 20 minutes on stage with us, including a 10 minute overlap with another guest. We even made a schedule:

Intro 00-10 Sander/Carloff
10-20 + David B
20-30 + Kirk
30-40 – David B +Christie
40-50 -Kirk +Mike
50-60 -Christie +David W
60-70 – Mike +Jeremy
70-80 -David W
80-90 SRW & Carloff
90-120 Everybody!

(The ‘+’ indicates when an artist should begin, and the ‘-’ indicates when they should end.)

The schedule was never meant to be rigid, but more of a guide. Good thing, as we didn’t do a very good job of explaining it to our guest artists. Still, the performance did have a nice ebb and flo to it.

Although there were a few technical issues to contend with, I felt that the performance was, overall, quite good.

We recorded the two hour performance from the mixing board, and also made a room recording.

For those who feel daunted by navigating through a 2 hour performance recording, I’ve excerpted a 10 minute segment where Kirk Pickler plays a beautiful flute solo, one that features the lap steel stylings of Mike Weber, and another where Carl and I have an impromptu melodica duet, accompanied by David Witham on manipulated organ, and Christie Scott on vocals toward the end.

There are a total of seven 10-minute excerpts. You can find them all on the ‘Audio Tracks‘ page.

If you’re interested, I posted some anticipatory musings about the performance.

We extend our sincere thanks to our family and friends for their love and support, and to Ken Huntington for being open to hosting us.

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Dec 08 2009

ASA 2nd Anniversary Show @ The Puka – 010410

Published by Sander under Flyers, Upcoming Performances

Ain Soph Aur will be celebrating its 2nd anniversary with a performance, hosted by the Long Beach Musicians’ League, at The Puka Bar on Monday, January 4th, 2010.  The performance will start at 8 PM and run for two hours.  We will be joined on stage by a number of artists, some who have performed with us in the past, and some who will be performing with us for the first time.

Guest artists include David Witham, David Bunoan, Christie Scott, Kirk Pickler, Jeremy Morelock, and Mike Weber.

The Puka Bar
710 West Willow Street
Long Beach, CA
There is no cover, and this is a 21+ venue.

Here’s the flyer:

David Witham performed with ASA at the Slow Sound Festival. David Bunoan performed with ASA at their 1 year anniversary show, also held at the Puka. Christie Scott performed with ASA at Jawbone Canyon. Jeremy Morelock performed with ASA at the Threads of a Tonal Dream Tapestry show, held at Koos Art Center. Kirk Pickler and Mike Weber will be performing with ASA for the first time.

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Nov 26 2009

A work in progress

Published by Sander under Studio Tracks

Carl and I are starting a new studio project that began with four tracks of drums, (Frame Drum, Clay Drum, Tambourine, and Baking Sheet) recorded by SRW.   (Yes, a track that has a beat!)  

To that, Carl added voice, Chinese Moon Lute, violin, and some processing.  Once back in my hands, I added several tracks using my Industral Guitar Indy Rail lap steel.  Lately I’ve been using an alternate tuning:  G2 G3 G3 G3 G4 G4.  That’s right:  Three octaves, all G!

We’re still expecting contributions from David Bunoan, David Witham, and Christie Scott.  Still, while we’re patiently waiting for them, I thought I’d share the work in progress:

On This Road

12/08/09 – We just got David Witham’s contribution back, and WOW!  I really love it.  I’ve been listening to it obsessively, and I have all kinds of ideas. I find it really inspiring.

It stands well on its own, but I can sometimes hear parts that could be added… Dunno.

12/13/09 – Things keep unfolding in surprising and wonderful ways. I was chatting with an old High School chum, Janis Tanaka, who is an excellent professional musician. She’s been Pink’s touring bassist for at least her last two albums, and has played in a bunch of bands over the years, including the rather infamous L7.

I was talking with her about her current creative efforts, and sharing some of my own. She asked, “When do you get together to record?” We don’t, I explained, and showed her the links to several source tracks, and some links to various works in progress. The next day, I found this in my email inbox. She’s recorded a synth bass part over David Witham’s track, and it is DOPE!

I love the internet!

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Nov 05 2009

We now have t-shirts!

Published by Sander under Swag

If you’re looking for a new look for yourself, or someone you know, perhaps an ASA t-shirt is in order.  We have a variety of designs for men, women, and even kids.  You can find links to them, and any future swag, on our new ‘SWAG‘ page.

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Nov 05 2009

New ‘Releases’ Page!!!

Published by Sander under Audio Tracks, Releases

We’ve added a new ‘Releases‘ page to our blog because we now have an official release!

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